About Shane Ellanson

Scam Series: Mortgage Scams

If it sounds too good to be true, it’s usually a scam. It’s important to be aware of the lurking threats to your finances and personal well-being that can be easy to believe over the phone. National Affordable Housing Network ...

Mortgage/Rental Assistance

Now is the time for action if you are behind on mortgage or rental payments. The eviction moratorium on these kinds of payments is expected to end on June 30th, 2021. NAHN is equipped to help prepare you for the ...

Budget Counseling

National Affordable Housing Network (NAHN) has two amazing, HUD-certified credit counselors on our staff. They are here to help you analyze your situation and provide meaningful resources toward the path to financial stability through our Credit Counseling program. One vital ...

The Importance of Affordable Housing

Housing is universally accepted as a fundamental human need, yet the cost of obtaining safe, clean, and affordable housing continues to rise. National Affordable Housing Network (NAHN) and Habitat for Humanity of Southwest Montana recognize this issue and are actively ...