About Eric J

Moratorium Ending

If you are behind on rent or mortgage payments, reach for help now! The moratorium on mortgage and rental payments is set to end on the 31st of December 2020, which means that the time for action is NOW. Although ...

Buy or Build Anaconda and Whitehall Montana – Find Your Opportunity Here

1) Anaconda new construction starting now!   Homesites available in historic neighborhoods being redeveloped.  You’re invited to join our effort to spur construction of safe, healthy, highly efficient homes. Four sites available this Fall. Start your application here: Apply Here 2) Beautiful ...

National Affordable Housing Network and Habitat for Humanity of SW Montana are seeking Volunteers

National Affordable Housing Network and Habitat for Humanity of SW Montana are seeking Volunteers for our August volunteer events. To comply with Covid-19 regulations, we are requesting small volunteer groups at each location and time slot, maximum 5-6 people. We ask ...

Need mortgage assistance due to Covid 19? NAHN can help!

Don’t wait if you’re struggling with rent or mortgage payments. National Affordable Housing Network is now part of a short term counseling grant to Rural Community Assistance Corporation from Wells Fargo to support and assist people who have been affected by the ...