The National Affordable Housing Network was founded as a non-profit organization in 1994. Our mission is to help develop and transfer high performance affordable housing techniques that benefit those in need.
In the years since, the Network has done grass roots technology transfer through its detailed house plans and technical assistance. With a focus on those wanting to build their own homes.
Self help housing is a means by which individuals and households can make a permanent move toward sustainable living by building their own award winning passive solar, superinsulated homes. Homes that are ready for the net-zero energy goals of tomorrow. There is a need for advanced energy performance and conservation. The Network’s two decades of field experience proves the case that these technologies are ready NOW for immediate implementation.
The Network’s aim our efforts at supporting organizations working in the homeownership arena. Affordable, high performance in-fill housing is a key to rebuilding neighborhoods and communities, housing that lifts the spirits and futures of its people. The Network’s longtime support for Habitat for Humanity’s mission of energy efficient self-help housing has made for substantial strides in the adoption of net zero high performance housing that is truly affordable for the long term. Together, the organizations have demonstrated that highly efficient homes are affordable today and helped advance each others mission.
The Network’s demonstration projects over the years have featured approaches that empower homeowners and residents by focusing on technologies that are both affordable and shelf ready. At present, NAHN is focusing on single family and condominium developments that offer supportive housing opportunities for homebuyers and homebuilders with disabilities. NAHN’s housing opportunities are limited to the Network’s headquarters area of Southwest Montana. An area ranking near the bottom in terms of income and opportunity, but is rich in culture and solar energy.
Despite recent nightmares in the housing world, homeownership continues to be an important key to the reduction of poverty and its devastating effects on our nation. Children need homes that don’t cause shame, and families need the opportunity to participate in the rebuilding of communities, building a sense of place that is the heart of the American Dream.
The Network maintains its independence from corporate sponsors. This is meant to leave technical decisions clear of influence by product and equipment suppliers. The Network’s house plans illustrate optimized energy packages that reduce space conditioning to the lowest affordable level.
In order to further protect consumers, NAHN and its partners operate education and counseling programs for homebuyers. Including operating a HUD certified housing counseling center, free to those who use it.
The Network assists households in need to reach the dream of homeownership through education and construction of high performance homes, particularly by self-help family teams. The Network conducts demonstration projects and programs to assist its home area of Southwest Montana, while providing technical assistance and educational house plans illustrating methods currently in use.
NAHN is always advancing our knowledge of cost-effective, energy-efficient housing technologies through our ongoing research and development projects. Our current projects under development include: