The Importance of Affordable Housing

Housing is universally accepted as a fundamental human need, yet the cost of obtaining safe, clean, and affordable housing continues to rise. National Affordable Housing Network (NAHN) and Habitat for Humanity of Southwest Montana recognize this issue and are actively working to address it. There are many reasons that affordable housing is important, besides the fact that everyone deserves to be able to sleep in a warm bed and be protected from the elements.

A couple of the very important outcomes of providing affordable housing to families with children are a feeling of pride in their homes and improved grades. Studies have shown that when a child feels comfortable with their living situation they are more able to focus on their schoolwork and social lives. For instance, a child in a safe living environment feels more confident asking a friend over to their house to play. This kind of change is instrumental in the development of a child and giving them a fun, memorable childhood.

For the adults in the family, affordable housing is just as important. It helps those in charge of the finances focus their attention on other issues affecting their lives and continue to move their lives forward. Not only can programs like NAHN’s mutual self help housing program help a family stop paying the cost of renting and transition them to working towards homeownership, but it also teaches them budgeting skills through our credit counseling program. Building a house that they can afford and be proud of will change the life of the homeowners for the better and allow them the opportunity to become financially stable and improve other aspects of their lives as well.

If you would like to help NAHN and Habitat for Humanity of Southwest Montana provide affordable housing to our community fill out this form. Volunteers are always welcome and appreciated for construction and at our Resale Store, but opportunities are also available to help with office administration and community outreach assistance. If you believe you qualify for homeownership assistance from NAHN fill out this form.