How We Help Repair Credit

National Affordable Housing Network (NAHN) is known for our staple Housing Credit Counseling Program. This free program has allowed us to get dozens of families ready for homeownership and learn smart budgeting skills to sustain financial stability. The keys are the process that we go through to reach those end-goals, and the work that the applicant is willing to do to maintain them.

Our wonderful credit counselors are HUD certified to provide: pre-purchase counseling, first time homebuyers counseling, and non-delinquency post-purchase counseling. The goals of housing credit counseling are to help individuals and families develop a workable budget, repair and/or build their credit, and move toward mortgage readiness. This is done by taking a thorough look at all debt and working to better manage debt and the use of credit. Credit counseling is not to be confused with debt settlement or credit repair; credit counseling is an educational service. Credit counselors will help you understand your financial situation, your credit report, your credit score, and how that score relates to your credit worthiness. This program gives the applicant the tools to fix their financial problems, but it does require work on your part and potential lifestyle changes to achieve an improved credit score and financial situation.

If you feel like you could benefit from free credit counseling provided by NAHN please fill out our New Client Intake Form: If you would like to learn more about other programs offered by NAHN, please check out our blog at