What is “net zero” energy? (NZE) How can you get to net zero? NAHN’s High Performance Housing Partnership (HP2) has been building “Net Zero Energy Ready” homes since the 1980s! In the last few years, net zero is possible for nearly everyone building a new home, using off-the-shelf technology.
Now, NZE homes are possible for everyone, at an affordable cost. With net zero, your home generates enough energy for all your needs.
Barbara Miller, NAHN’s co-founder and president, explains “NZE For Everyone” at the Montana Clean Energy Fair in Bozeman Aug. 10. You don’t need a “priesthood of knowledge” to build net zero ready – NAHN’s affordable houseplans will get you there.
To Learn more about NZE click here: https://www.rcac.org/success-stories/dreams-become-reality-zero-energy-affordable-homes/
For Conference Info click here: http://montanarenewables.org/clean-energy-fair/clean-energy-fair-2019/#workshopschedule